services with life guide coaching

your soul journey begins here

soul realignment

Soul Realignment is for the curious heart that seeks life clarity, personalized guidance, and the release of negative patterns

What is it?

The Akashic Records are like the internet for our Soul; they store all the choices we’ve made since creation.

Soul Realignment® is an intuitive healing modality utilizing the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level from past lives.

The modality can be repeated for additional exploration of personal information and blocks.

What can it do for me?

Understanding who you are at soul level, allows you to live a more authentic life!

We will explore your divine gifts and discuss how you can better express them in your every day choices. Removing soul level blocks can alleviate mood fluctuations, allow for better sleep, more clarity around your purpose and less frustration around feelings of stuckness, disconnection and monotony.

What’s included?

  • 2-3h Akashic Record exploration on your behalf

    • Remote Energetic Soul Clearing

  • 60-90m Zoom Session

  • 21-day Homework Process

  • 30-Minute Follow-Up Zoom Call

relationship reading

Relationship readings help us enrich and better understand our interpersonal connections

What is it?

Relationships are very important as they assist us in our personal growth and also help us to align with our divine self-expression. We interact with others to understand how to be our best selves!

Through this reading,  we will uncover aspects of a primary relationship in your life including: past lives shared, life lessons that support the relationship, and blocks that may be negatively affecting it.

What can it do for me?

Gain clarity and clearing around a current relationship that concerns you, or one that you are seeking to enrich.

Relationship readings can be done for committed romantic partnerships, close friendships, business partnerships and family connections.

What’s included?

  • 2h Akashic Records Exploration on behalf of two soul records

  • Remote Energetic Soul Clearing for Both Participants

  • 1h Zoom Session with One or Both Participants

  • 21-day Homework Process for Both Participants

property energy clearing

Energy Clearings energetically cleanse our living and working spaces

What is it?

Through reading the Akashic Records, I will uncover and clear negative and dissonant energies that reside in your property (home or workplace for which you are financially responsible).

I require permission, along with the complete address for the property. We will connect for a brief conversation to review my findings to complete the clearing process.

What can it do for me?

Have you ever felt unsettled in your space? Does your home feel like it has a shadow hanging over it from past owners or currents stresses? Energy Clearings uncover and clear negative energies in your space that may be impacting you and all those who reside in the space.

Clients report many benefits including: better sleep, lighter moods, happier pets and feelings of peace and contentment!

What’s included?

  • 1h Akashic Records Exploration of your property

  • Remote Energetic Clearing

  • Detailed Report of the Findings Sent via Email

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